Tree Trimming

Tree Trimming

The City has contacted me regarding the following:

All or most of the trees within Skagit Highlands, both along Skagit Highlands Parkway and trees on private property, are becoming a major hindrance for the garbage trucks. They are large vehicles and getting to cans and such is becoming very problematic.  When garbage cans are placed in areas in front of trees the automated arms are causing branches to break off, etc. Not only that, but the trucks are having to “wind” their way through the neighborhoods to avoid trees limbs as best as possible.

If the City ends up having to cut trees back in order to accomplish providing basic maintenance and garbage services, they will do it, but unfortunately it may not be aesthetically pleasing as the HOA and homeowners might like.

Please do your part in trimming back trees so they are not issues for cars, trucks, and city workers as well as obstructing sidewalks.


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